Expert reassurance that your cancer diagnosis and treatment plan are right or not? iMedicalConsult: Second Opinion Service

Cancer is a difficult disease to treat and no one specialist has all the answers.
With so much at stake, a SECOND OPINION always helps you to obtain right diagnosis with the most appropriate treatment plan.
A MEDICAL SECOND OPINION is an opportunity to have a comprehensive review of your diagnosis and treatment plan by a leading cancer expert, specially selected for your specific type of cancer.
Ideally, you should seek an expert SECOND OPINION as soon as possible after your diagnosis. While in many cases a SECOND OPINION will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your diagnosis and treatment plan is correct, it may also highlight a different treatment approach, or suggest changes to your treatment plan that may be more suited to you.

Our SECOND OPINION services are used by people from all over the globe

Our EXPERT SECOND OPINION will help you to:
·         Understand if diagnosis is correct or not
·         Understand if your treatment plan is the most suitable or not
·         Help you choose between difficult treatment choices
·         Understand alternative treatment options
·         Explore new treatment options not widely available
·         Connect you to a leading medical experts across the globe
·         Gather and summarise your medical records and history on your behalf
·         Attend a consultation with you to take notes and ensure everything is captured

To make your lives easier, we at iMedicalConsult also assign a care coordinator who would be coordinating the entire process for you and make sure you understand everything and take the most informed decision.


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